Wednesday, 7 April 2010

All washed-up

Time for a huge sigh of relief - the draconian home education clauses of the CSF Bill have failed to make it through the "wash-up". My boundless thanks to those, like Graham Stuart and Lord Lucas, who've supported us in our fight to retain fundamental rights and to all those wonderful home educators up and down the country who've been the best mutual support system anyone could hope for.

Anyone who knows our family will understand that we tend to view everything through a musical lens, so what should be the soundtrack to these momentous events? I toyed with The Pogues' "Fiesta" but it's now obviously the property of Harry Hill. I looked for a decent YouTube vid of "Freedom Jazz Dance" to no avail. In the end, I decided that a bit of vengeful gloating would do. Here's something from His Bobness dedicated to His Ballsness:-


  1. shared your post over at FOC blog page - hope that is ok , i should have asked first i think - just being a bit eager xx

  2. No probs at all - glad you liked it! :) xx
