Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Solar powered

Just a little video of the solar powered car that we built from a kit. Great fun - but, boy, does it remind me of the old Reliant Robins. It goes backwards because we put the worm gear on the wrong way round! The wheels are CDs which came with the kit. But it could also be a way of recycling any albums you love to hate! DD would quite like to do this to every High School Musical and Cascada recording ever released.

Oh, and check out this talk about creativity. A very serious message delivered with the comic timing of a great stand-up comic.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

I keep hearing that there's a big policy drive towards 'creativity' in education at the moment. There's the 'cultural offer' and 'Find Your Talent', trying to 'deliver' 5 hours of creative activity for every schoolchild each week. I've never yet worked out how 'delivery' of creativity would work. I HOPE it succeeds, but, to be honest, there seem to be a lot of ready-made national-curriculum-style instant solutions being handed out to teachers during Inset days (learn these songs and that'll tick off music, etc). How genuinely creative it'll be I don't know, but, hey, it's got to be better than yet another 'literacy hour'. How nice it'd be if they genuinely gave the kids freedom to explore and freedom to fail. Meanwhile, it's nice to have the space to let our girl find her own way as creatively as she can.

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